I AM Wealthy

Relationships, to me, have always been of great importance and that includes friendships, familial relationship as well as intimate relationships. I AM blessed to have other mothers while still holding my biological mother in the highest regard and her accepting the additional maternal bonds I have. These bonds were not formed out of dysfunction or lack but out of favor and love. I have Pops' that check in on me like they were there at conception and still a  father who would give me the world if I asked. I have sisters who may not have similar DNA traits and yet there isn't a person alive or dead who can convince me that they are anything less than my sisters as well as my best friends. I have brothers who have been just that to me for decades and will protect and provide for me and mines. I have cousins who are more like siblings and a plethora of aunties and uncles who are not kin to my parents. All of these in excess to my blood relatives. I don't know too many people who can say they have such wealth.  I AM blessed indeed!
In addition to that my friends are more like family who come in all ages, nationalities, shapes and sizes. Varying personality types and the love is as genuine with each and every one of them. Some friendships come from childhood, educational career, faith and others ex coworkers turned fast friends. Then there are those unheard of friendships that developed from past relationships in addition to my current romantic relationship that has survived through this tragic ordeal. I could really write a book just on the unique bonds that I have. With all of these distinct connections one must wonder how it is that I have so many healthy relationships that have proven to be completely genuine?

It's me, or better yet, the God in me. I AM the constant in all of these different types of connections and that says a lot about who I AM. I don't just friend everyone or exhaust myself trying to make everyone happy. I don't have any toxic or draining people in my life that are relevant to who I AM. I have just been extremely fortunate to possess the unique ability to cultivate organic relationships with people I genuinely like/love and I must give credit to God for that.

Many people strive for riches and materialistic ideas as a sense of wealth but I know the truth. It is having the Grace and Mercy of God that is true wealth and that wealth manifests itself in my life in the form of relationships. Please don't mistake my discernment as an admonition of financial abundance because I AM expecting that to be a part of my journey as well. It is, however, crucial to understand  and prioritize the differences accordingly.

I have had almost every reason imaginable to be angry, depressed, resentful, afraid, self defeating or even vengeful and yet I AM completely joyful, thankful, determined, unafraid, happy and BLESSED! There is nothing that I can not do or have and still the people in my life are everything to me.  Had it not been for the love, support and prayers from my village, I would have not have made it this far and that is a fact. I knew I didn't have to worry about my children when I  was forced to spend months away from them laying in a hospital bed. To this day I can't pinpoint all the people who showed up for me when I couldn't or even how but know I'm thankful for each and everyone of you. The varying levels and types of relationships made that portion of my life the easiest it could have been. My biggest concern for the longest time was and is my pain. That speaks volumes. I was able to focus on healing because I didn't have to worry about my children going without or my bills not being paid. I was okay with missing my son's prom and graduation because I knew there was an ocean of people who love me and my children ready to stand tall. That is wealth! You all are so very valuable in my life and this existence.

I would love to be able to interview everyone who was affected by this traumatic experience. I know it is for some a heavy burden they were so quick and willing to carry. It's not like their lives just stopped.They not only were carrying my load but their own as well. I want so badly to name names but I know I wouldn't be able list everyone or to quantify accurately how much they have sacrificed on my behalf. So I dare not try. I would hate to downplay anyone's part in all of this. But if anyone is willing to write down their experience it would mean the world to me. I digress.

All of these relationships carried me in my time of need. I know some reached out and expressed how they wished they could do more but please know, you did enough. That funny voicemail, that gift card, the pics of you with my kids, the text about nothing, the memes, the prayers, the unconditional love, not crying when you really wanted to, the monetary gifts, the cards, the flowers, the seafood in ICU, the gadgets, the videos and the yellow shirts all were priceless to me. Even now, the late night interactions when I can't sleep from the pain, the willingness to come see me in all of my  augmented disarray, the phone calls, jokes, memories, games, event invitations, social media comments and discussions keep me together. No action is too big or too small. I appreciate them all.

Do I have other ambitions? Absolutely. However, given the fragility of my current situation these relationships contain me and my relationship with God sustains me. I know I jokingly say "I'm in the house going crazy" but truth is I am as sane as I've ever been because I was given eyes to see and ears to hear. 

I AM wealthy.

I Thank God for each and every one of you. I pray that you are all as blessed as I am and I hope you know you are worth more than all the riches in the world. 

I should be on the cover of Forbes.


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